Craft Tutorials / Decorating

Burlap and Lace Table Runner


First of all, let me start by mentioning how tedious this {small} project ended up being. In the back of my mind I realize this is why it took me about three months to even begin working on this table runner; I innately knew that all those 18 little delicate lace doilies would require millions of tiny stitches hand-sewn to the itchy burlap which would drape my legs as I created my latest masterpiece.

Back at Christmas when I had finally decided which theme to go with for decor (shabby French with burlap and vintage touches), I was amazed at how popular that burlap was. I ran out a couple of times and had to go traipsing all over creation (well, just all over DFW really) to find more. So I finally just bought quite a few yards with a 50% off coupon to stow away for later projects. Burlap is super inexpensive anyway, so I got it for a very reasonable price.

A few months ago, my grandma asked if I wanted any old lace doilies. I practically jumped through the phone as I replied an enthusiastic “Yes! I’ll take all of them!” I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them: make some sort of table runner or placemats. The table runner won out because I prefer the look of a runner as opposed to placemats for decorative purposes and since burlap and lace aren’t practical for eating on, I knew we wouldn’t be actually using them for placemats at dinnertime.
This is a very simple project, despite the tediousness. All I did was decide the measurements of the runner (24in x 71in) and cut the burlap to those specifications, I unraveled each edge of the burlap a half inch to look a little undone, pinned my doilies in place layer by layer and hand-sewed each one, stitch by stitch by teeny tiny little stitch.
I’m thinking I should find some sort of product I can put on the edges of the fabric to keep them from continuing to unravel…I thought about sewing a backing onto the runner, but that would take away from the raw look I was going for. Maybe a seam sealant? Burlap is such a loosely woven type of fabric I don’t know if a regular anti-fray product would work the same on it.
For now, I will just enjoy my new table runner and decide what to do about the fraying later.
Here’s to hoping my child doesn’t get too fascinated by the burlap threads and start pulling them before I can find a viable solution!





5 thoughts on “Burlap and Lace Table Runner

  1. Pingback: 22 Stylish DIY Burlap Table Runner Ideas |DIYManiac

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